4 Tips To Deal With Dental Anxiety That Will Make You Smile

Dental fear is a spectrum – from dental anxiety, which comes with the stress of visiting your dentist, to phobia or, even worse – complete avoidance until the pain becomes intolerable.

It can be triggered by factors such as traumatic experiences related to teeth cleaning and check-ups—or even just images associated with dentistry may cause panic attacks.

Firstly, why is it important to overcome dental phobia?

Dental phobia often leads to complete avoidance of visiting the dental clinic.

The unfortunate consequence is further dental health problems, which end up being potentially more stressful, painful and costly than the original visit would have been. A pattern begins where avoidance leads a patient’s oral hygiene to deteriorate into gum disease or cavities that may require emergency treatment.

By visiting the dentist for your regular 6-monthly check up and clean, you can more effectively, prevent dental diseases. Discovering any issues early allows simple treatments that are minimally invasive!

Now here are our handy tips on how to cope with your dentistry nerves…

#1 We have a nervous patient program

Dr Paul Gorgolis has over 25 years, experience and research on 3 different continents. This has afforded him extensive knowledge, skill and insights into the best treatments and methods of managing and understanding sensitive patients. He has created a soothing environment for children, and anyone with a fear of dentists and dental procedures. Speak to us about our nervous patient program.

#2 Arrive on time

Don’t forget to bring that magazine with you so that your mind will be occupied. Bring your favourite music and plug in your ear phones, if you think that will help you.

#3 Make your next appointment before you leave the dental clinic

Now that you are here, you have overcome the hardest part. So, while the fond memories stick (it never is as bad as you have imagined), be sure to book your next appointment before it hits the bottom of the list.

Once you have experienced comfortable dental care from our top-rated team of dentists, you will feel more at ease when due to come in again. This is how you will ensure your smile stays bright no matter what life throws at you! We want all of our patients coming back for follow-up appointments – you are no exception.

#4 We will offer you breaks during your treatment

Take a break as needed. Your dental team will make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed when it’s time for adjustments or treatments. Our team of dentists know how important a pause is.

To book a dental consultation in Perth, contact West Coast Dental Care through our form or give us a call on (08) 9205 1855

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