5 Benefits of Orthodontic Braces Treatment

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Orthodontics - dental clips

Considering orthodontic braces treatment? It’s a smart choice. Orthodontic treatment offers numerous benefits, from improved oral hygiene to enhanced aesthetics. In this article, we’ll discuss the top five benefits of braces treatment and how it can transform your life. 

If you’re searching for a Perth dental clinic specialising in smile design and orthodontics, West Coast Dental Care is here to help you achieve the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve.  

#1 Improved oral health 

Orthodontic braces treatment offers a wide array of benefits, with improved oral health being one of the most significant advantages. Here’s how braces contribute to better oral health: 

Easier oral hygiene 

Straight teeth are easier to clean, making it more efficient to maintain proper oral hygiene. With properly aligned teeth, there is less chance for plaque and tartar build-up, which are the primary causes of tooth decay and gum disease. Braces treatment helps eliminate hard-to-reach areas where bacteria can thrive, allowing for more effective brushing and flossing. Consequently, you can enjoy cleaner teeth, fresher breath, and a lower risk of developing dental problems. 

Prevention of periodontal disease 

Crooked or overcrowded teeth can create an environment that is more susceptible to the development of periodontal disease, a condition that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. By straightening your teeth with braces, you reduce the risk of periodontal disease and the associated symptoms, such as bleeding gums, gum recession, and tooth loss. 

Reduced risk of cavities 

When teeth are misaligned, food particles are more likely to become trapped between them. This creates a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Orthodontic braces treatment ensures that your teeth are properly spaced and aligned, minimising the chances of food particles becoming lodged and reducing the risk of cavities. 

Improved bite function 

An improper bite, also known as malocclusion, can result from misaligned teeth, causing excessive pressure on certain teeth or the jaw. This can lead to uneven wear and tear on your teeth, increasing the likelihood of developing dental issues such as enamel erosion, tooth fractures, or sensitivity. Braces help correct your bite, distributing pressure more evenly across your teeth and reducing the risk of such problems. 

Prevention of bone erosion 

Misaligned teeth can contribute to bone erosion in the jaw due to the irregular forces placed on the bone and periodontal ligament. By correcting teeth alignment, orthodontic braces treatment helps redistribute these forces evenly, promoting healthier bone structure and preventing bone erosion. 

#2 Enhanced aesthetics 

A beautifully aligned smile can have a profound impact on your personal and professional life. Orthodontic braces not only improve your dental health but also significantly enhance your facial aesthetics. Here’s how: 

Symmetry and balance 

One of the key factors contributing to an attractive smile is symmetry. Braces can help create a more harmonious and balanced appearance by aligning your teeth and correcting any asymmetries. This improved balance can contribute to a more pleasing facial structure, enhancing your overall attractiveness. 

Smile aesthetics 

An appealing smile is often defined by straight, evenly spaced teeth. Braces treatment can address issues such as overcrowding, gaps, and crooked teeth, resulting in a more visually appealing and radiant smile. A captivating smile can make you feel more confident and self-assured, positively impacting your social interactions and personal relationships. 

Facial profile enhancement 

Misaligned teeth and bite issues can affect your facial profile, leading to features such as a recessed chin, protruding jaw, or unbalanced lip posture. Orthodontic braces treatment can help correct these issues, resulting in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial profile. This can boost your self-confidence and improve your overall appearance. 

Improved confidence and self-esteem 

The impact of a beautiful smile goes beyond surface-level aesthetics. A straight, well-aligned smile can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence, making you feel more comfortable in social and professional situations. With increased self-assurance, you are more likely to engage in new experiences, build connections, and excel in various aspects of your life. 

Long-lasting results 

Braces provide long-lasting results that can be maintained with proper aftercare, such as wearing a retainer. By investing in braces, you are investing in a lifetime of improved aesthetics and enhanced self-confidence. The benefits of a stunning smile will continue to impact your life positively, even after the treatment is complete. 

#3 Reduced risk of oral injuries 

Misaligned teeth and improper bite not only impacts your appearance but also increases the risk of oral injuries. Orthodontic treatment can prevent this by: 

Protection from chipping and breaking 

Teeth that are misaligned, protruding, or have uneven biting surfaces are more susceptible to chipping and breaking, especially during sports or other physical activities. Orthodontic braces treatment aligns your teeth, creating a more uniform biting surface that is less prone to damage. This reduces the risk of dental fractures, preserving the structural integrity of your teeth. 

Prevention of tooth wear 

Improper bites can cause uneven pressure distribution across your teeth, leading to accelerated tooth wear and enamel erosion. Braces help correct your bite, ensuring that pressure is distributed more evenly during chewing and grinding. This prevents excessive wear on individual teeth and reduces the risk of developing dental problems such as tooth sensitivity or decay. 

Reduced trauma to soft tissues 

Misaligned teeth, particularly those with sharp or jagged edges, can cause injury to the soft tissues of your mouth, such as your cheeks, lips, and tongue. Braces can help smooth and align these problem areas, reducing the risk of cuts, abrasions, and other soft tissue injuries. 

Protection during sports and physical activities 

For those who engage in sports or physical activities, the risk of oral injuries is heightened. Orthodontic braces treatment can reduce the risk of injuries by ensuring your teeth are properly aligned and less prone to damage. Additionally, a properly aligned bite can make it easier to wear a protective mouthguard, further safeguarding your teeth from potential harm. 

Prevention of jaw injuries 

An improper bite can also contribute to jaw-related issues, such as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ). By correcting your bite, orthodontic braces treatment can help alleviate strain on the jaw and prevent associated pain and discomfort. This reduces the risk of long-term jaw injuries and ensures better overall oral health. 

#4 Improved speech and chewing function 

Braces go beyond enhancing your appearance and preventing oral injuries—they also significantly improve oral function. Here’s why: 

Clarity of speech 

Misaligned teeth and bite issues can lead to difficulties in producing certain sounds, affecting speech clarity and enunciation. Orthodontic braces treatment corrects these dental problems, making it easier for you to articulate words and sounds more precisely. As a result, you can communicate more effectively and confidently, both in personal and professional settings. 

Prevention of speech impediments 

In some cases, misaligned teeth and bite issues can contribute to the development of speech impediments, such as lisping or slurring. By addressing these dental issues, braces treatment can help prevent or alleviate these speech difficulties, ensuring clear and concise communication. 

Enhanced chewing efficiency 

Properly aligned teeth and a correct bite are essential for efficient chewing of food. Misaligned teeth or an improper bite can make it difficult to break down food into smaller, more manageable pieces. Orthodontic braces treatment helps correct these issues, allowing for more effective chewing, which in turn promotes proper digestion and nutrient absorption. 

Improved oral comfort 

Misaligned teeth and bite issues can cause discomfort during everyday activities such as speaking, chewing, or even swallowing. By realigning your teeth and correcting your bite, braces can improve overall oral comfort and functionality, allowing you to enjoy these activities without pain or discomfort. 

Long-term preservation of oral function 

Orthodontic braces treatment not only provides immediate benefits to speech and chewing function but also helps preserve these functions in the long term. Properly aligned teeth and a correct bite reduce the risk of developing dental problems that can negatively impact oral function, such as tooth wear, enamel erosion, or jaw disorders. This ensures that your ability to speak and chew comfortably is maintained throughout your life. 

#5 Prevention of long-term dental problems 

Braces offer numerous advantages, including the prevention of a variety of long-term dental problems. By addressing alignment and bite issues early on, braces can help you avoid more complex and costly dental treatments in the future. Here’s what orthodontic treatments can mean for your dental health: 

Mitigation of excessive wear and tear 

Misaligned teeth or an improper bite can lead to uneven pressure distribution during chewing, resulting in excessive wear and tear on certain teeth. This can cause enamel erosion, sensitivity, and other dental issues. Orthodontic braces treatment corrects alignment and bite problems, promoting even pressure distribution and protecting your teeth from potential damage. 

Alleviation of jaw pain and TMJ disorders 

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles, often causing pain, discomfort, and limited jaw movement. Misaligned teeth and bite issues can contribute to the development of TMJ disorders. By addressing these dental problems with braces treatment, you can reduce strain on the jaw joint and prevent the onset of TMJ-related issues. 

Reduced risk of tooth loss 

Crooked or overcrowded teeth can make it difficult to maintain proper oral hygiene, increasing the risk of tooth loss. Orthodontic braces treatment helps to straighten your teeth, making it easier to clean them effectively and prevent the development of gum disease. This, in turn, decreases the likelihood of tooth loss and the need for more invasive dental treatments. 

Minimised likelihood of future dental treatments 

By tackling alignment and bite issues early on, braces can help prevent the need for more complex and costly dental procedures in the future. This proactive approach to dental health saves you time, money, and potential discomfort, ensuring that your teeth remain healthy and functional throughout your life. 

Long-term maintenance of dental health 

Investing in braces treatment not only provides immediate benefits but also sets the foundation for long-term dental health. With properly aligned teeth and a correct bite, you can more effectively maintain your oral hygiene and avoid dental problems that could arise from misalignment or bite issues. This ensures that your smile remains healthy, strong, and radiant for years to come. 


Orthodontic braces treatment provides significant advantages, including improved oral health, aesthetics, reduced oral injuries, enhanced speech and chewing function, and prevention of long-term dental issues. 

At West Coast Dental Care, we are a specialised orthodontics Perth clinic equipped with cutting-edge technology and a skilled team to help you achieve the perfect smile. Contact us today to learn more about our orthodontic services or schedule a consultation for smile design Perth. Alternatively, simply book online here. Start your journey to a confident, radiant smile with West Coast Dental Care! 

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