4 Circumstances That Are Classified As Dental Emergencies

We love our clients at West Coast Dental Care and know how stressful major dental work can be, which is why we encourage regular check-ups and maintenance.

But sometimes life throws a curve ball, resulting in a major dental emergency that requires professional and caring hands to repair your winning smile.

Whether through a slip or fall, car accident trauma or a sporting accident, our specially trained professionals at West Coast Dental Care are here to alleviate your fear, discomfort and pain in an emergency with immediate advice and treatment.

We pride ourselves on being there for you in your dental hour of need. But in saying that, we hope you don’t have such an emergency.

Here’s just a few of the dental emergencies you should never ignore:

Missing, loose or cracked teeth

If you’ve had an accident resulting in a tooth or teeth being knocked out, try to locate the missing teeth and rinse off with saline, saliva or milk. This is important, as your tooth or teeth can be saved if actioned quickly enough (percentages of success drop drastically after 60min.) You can then either place it back in the gum socket, if possible, or store it in a clean vessel with saline or milk and get yourself along to West Coast Dental Care as quickly as possible. For loose teeth, try to avoid wiggling with your tongue. You want to keep it in place so it does not come free before getting yourself urgently to our clinic.

And for cracked teeth, rinse and preserve any fragments as described above, before bringing to West Coast Dental Care for an urgent repair.
For loose teeth, try to avoid wiggling with your tongue. You want to keep it in place so it does not come free before getting yourself urgently to our clinic.

And for cracked teeth, rinse and preserve any fragments as described above, before bringing to West Coast Dental Care for an urgent repair.


These little nasties are not to be ignored, as they can cause the loss of teeth and widespread infection throughout the body.
You may have an abscess if you notice a painful lump on your gum filled with pus. Abscesses are nasty infections that aggressively attack the roots of the teeth between tooth and gums.
If you fear you have one, please make an appointment to see our emergency dental team as a priority.

Unbearable toothache

This is one of the most awful pains imaginable and a very real indication that something is very wrong.
An infection or severe decay is the likely cause. In this instance, treat with some over-the-counter pain relief and call our emergency dental team at West Coast Dental Care. We are here for you.

Lost crowns or fillings

If you are in the unfortunate situation of a crown or bridge falling out, you’ll need emergency attention to repair it. Try to locate the missing piece then make an appointment immediately with West Coast Dental Care.

In the case of braces where a wire has come loose, you’re at risk of severely cutting up your cheeks, tongue and gums, so emergency treatment is also needed.

While scheduling an emergency appointment, try to pack the offending wire with gauze to protect against cuts and bleeding.

Our Perth dentists are here for you

Our superior customer service drives everything we do. We also offer nervous patient programs to help calm your nerves before your dental appointment! Book now to make an appointment.

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